Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 2 of the 5-bite diet

So it wasn't that bad... probably because I'd been skipping breakfast and lunch for two weeks anyway! I probably did eat a total of about 8 bites yesterday, a volume slightly larger than a snickers bar. I had a cup of tea later in the evening when I was craving something sweet (and making the kids' lunches, tons of food all over the place and man I wanted some) but didn't eat anything. I cooked up some squash and am going to make it  into soup, but I'm not sure how that falls into the 5-bites, right? Oh well... 1 day down.

Everything I had read before said the first three days are the hardest and then you get used to it, but now I've found a forum and most of the people talk about how they're still hungry pretty much all the time. I can handle hungry, as long as I lose weight, right? It's all about control. I just have to remind myself that this is temporary, 1 day at a time, rather than trying to look at it as a full 2 weeks or month or month and a half.

I swore I would not get on the scale for the first week, but I was wrong. I got on the scale as soon as I got home last night, and then again this morning. This morning I was 121.6, so down 2 lbs yesterday. I don't expect to keep that rate, in fact I'll be happy if I lose another 2 lbs during the rest of the week! I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to finish the week under 120, since I haven't been under 120 since I was about 16!!!

So the website for the 5-bite diet says my ideal weight is 101. My mom would freak, but I'm considering buying the book just to show her that it is healthy to get that low. She keeps telling me that 115 is unreasonable, but I think part of that is just because she can't get down there herself without starving herself so she doesn't want me to. Honestly, I think my mom would love to do this with me, I'm seeing how she's as concerned about weight as I am, and she wants to be just as thin as I do, but she's trying to be a mom and show me that it's unhealthy. But if I have a book telling me it IS healthy, she would probably not only support it, but also do it herself.

I'm getting my new phone on Halloween, so pretty soon I'll be able to post from my phone! I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just started following you. where on the site does give you the ideal wheight for your body? i'm interested to find out mine! :)


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